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Reference: logical data models

Works, Collections, and other entities in the Paradicms conceptual data model can be represented in different logical data models, such as or FOAF. The abstraction layer of the conceptual data model allows Paradicms apps to use data represented in a variety of logical models with little or no translation.

Structure of this document

This page documents the entities in the conceptual data model as well as the different ways of representing them. Each top-level section of the page documents an entity in the conceptual data model, with sub-sections for supported representation.

RDF classes

For RDF-based logical representations, each sub-section includes

  • a short file name-safe identifier for the model, such as DcCollection, which is used in various input formats (e.g., as a sheet name in the spreadsheet format)
  • a table of RDF properties with the following columns:

Per the JSON-LD definition, a term is short word defined in a JSON-LD context that may be expanded to an IRI. Paradicms uses JSON-LD contexts to map terms such as description to IRIs ( For example, each column header in a spreadsheet or top-level YAML object key in the directory format is a term corresponding to a predicate IRI in an RDF statement.

The per-class property tables in this document are essentially human-readable versions of the JSON-LD contexts for the classes.


A property's term expands to this predicate IRI. For space reasons the IRIs are abbreviated with commonly-used namespaces:

Namespace prefixNamespace IRIVocabulary
cms: custom properties
dcmitype: Type vocabulary
dcterms: Metadata terms
exif: vocabulary
foaf: vocabulary
rdf: Model and Syntax
rdfs: Schema
skos: Simple Knowledge Organization System
time:>Time Ontology in OWL
xsd:>XML Schema

Most of the properties used by Paradicms have well-described semantics, and are backed up by formal specifications in RDF Schema, Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL), and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This column briefly summarizes the expected semantics of a property. For extended descriptions, refer to the original vocabulary for a property, such as DCMI Metadata Terms for dcterms:-prefixed properties like dcterms:creator.


This column indicates the cardinality of the class property. It can contain the following values:

  • 0..1: The class may have zero or one value(s) for the property
  • 0..n: The class may have zero or more values for the property
  • 1: The class must have only one value for the property
  • 1..n: The class must have at least one value for the property
Value type

A property IRI becomes the predicate of a (subject, predicate, object) RDF statement. The subject is usually implicit in the data source -- a synthesized IRI of a spreadsheet row, for example.

This column of the properties table specifies the expected type of the object in the statement. For example, values of title (i.e., dcterms:title) are expected to be strings, as in the following (subject, predicate, object) RDF triple:

<> <> "Example title" .

Booleans, strings, and other literals in Paradicms have XML Schema types: a boolean is an xsd:boolean, a string is an xsd:string, and so on.

Literal syntax is handled in a per-data source fashion. In spreadsheet cells you don't need to quote (") strings, for example, since the cell boundaries delimit the string.

Other properties expect IRI values. For example, values of dcterms:license are expected to be IRIs referencing a valid License class instance:

<> <> <> .

The syntax for specifying IRIs varies between data sources. In the spreadsheet format, an IRI can be shortened with a namespace prefix, as in the following hypothetical sheet:


After expanding the namespaces, the sheet translates to the following (subject, predicate, object) RDF triple:

<urn:spreadsheet:example:work:ExampleWork> <> <urn:spreadsheet:example:work:person:ExamplePerson> .
Example values

For each property, the table lists one or more example values. As in the spreadsheet example above, a value may have a different syntax depending on the data source.


A Collection is an aggregate of Works.


rdf:type: dcmitype:Collection

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
descriptiondcterms:descriptionHuman-readable summary of the DcCollection0..1stringA collection}
hasPartdcterms:hasPartReference to a Work that is part of the DcCollection0..nIRI
titledcterms:titleHuman-readable name of the DcCollection1stringMy DcCollection


rdf:type: schema:Collection

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaCollection0..nstringAn alternate name
contributorschema:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCollection0..nIRI
contributorLiteralschema:contributorString identifying a contributor to this SchemaCollection, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
copyrightHolderschema:copyrightHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCollection0..nIRI
copyrightHolderLiteralschema:copyrightHolderString identifying the rights holder of this SchemaCollection, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
creatorschema:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCollection0..nIRI
creatorLiteralschema:creatorString identifying a creator of this SchemaCollection, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
dateCreatedschema:dateCreatedDate-time the SchemaCollection was created0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
dateModifiedschema:dateModifiedDate-time the SchemaCollection was modified0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaCollection0..1stringLong description text
hasPartschema:hasPartReference to a Work that is part of the SchemaCollection0..nIRI
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaCollection0..nIRI
licenseschema:licenseReference to a `License` of this SchemaCollection0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaCollection1stringMy name
spatialschema:spatialReference to a `Location` this SchemaCollection is spatially located in/at0..nIRI
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaCollection, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI
usageInfoschema:usageInfoReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this SchemaCollection0..1IRI


A Concept is used for controlled vocabularies.


**rdf:type: schema:DefinedTerm

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaDefinedTerm0..nstringAn alternate name
alternateNameschema:alternateNameAlternative name for this defined term0..nstringAlternative concept label
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaDefinedTerm0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaDefinedTerm0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaDefinedTerm0..nstringMy name
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaDefinedTerm, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI
valuerdf:valueValue to use when a controlled value is selected0..1IRI or literal5


**rdf:type: skos:Concept

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
altLabelskos:altLabelAlternative label0..nstringAlternative concept label
definitionskos:definitionDefinition0..1stringHuman-readable, long-form concept definition
depictionfoaf:depictionReference to an `Image` depicting this SkosConcept0..nIRI
prefLabelskos:prefLabelPreferred label1stringConcept label
valuerdf:valueValue to use when a controlled value is selected0..1IRI or literal5


A DateTimeDescription is used for partial date-times, where one or more of the components is unknown.


rdf:type: time:DateTimeDescription

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
daytime:dayDay of the month, 1..31 inclusive0..1integer5
hourtime:hourHour of the day, 0..23 inclusive0..1integer5
minutetime:minuteMinute of the hour, 0..59 inclusive0..1integer5
monthtime:monthMonth of the year, 1..12 inclusive0..1integer5
yeartime:yearGregorian calendar year0..1integer2023


An Event is an event happening at a certain time and location.


rdf:type: schema:Event

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaEvent0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaEvent0..1stringLong description text
endDateschema:endDateDate-time the SchemaEvent ends0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaEvent0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaEvent1stringMy name
startDateschema:startDateDate-time the SchemaEvent starts0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaEvent, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


rdf:type: schema:ExhibitionEvent

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaExhibitionEvent0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaExhibitionEvent0..1stringLong description text
endDateschema:endDateDate-time the SchemaExhibitionEvent ends0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaExhibitionEvent0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaExhibitionEvent1stringMy name
startDateschema:startDateDate-time the SchemaExhibitionEvent starts0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaExhibitionEvent, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


An Image is a visual surrogate for a Work, Collection, Person, or other instance of a Paradicms entity.


rdf:type: dcmitype:Image

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
contributordcterms:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcImage0..nIRI
contributorLiteraldcterms:contributorString identifying a contributor to this DcImage, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
copyablecms:imageCopyableIs the image copyable from its source?0..1booleantrue
creatordcterms:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcImage0..nIRI
creatorLiteraldcterms:creatorString identifying a creator of this DcImage, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
formatdcterms:formatMIME type of the image0..1stringimage/jpeg
heightexif:heightExact height of the image, in pixels0..1integer200
licensedcterms:licenseReference to a `License` of this DcImage0..nIRI
maxHeightcms:imageMaxHeightMaximum height of the image, in pixels0..1integer200
maxWidthcms:imageMaxWidthMaximum width of the image, in pixels0..1integer200
modifieddcterms:modifiedDate-time the DcImage was modified0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
rightsdcterms:rightsReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this DcImage0..1IRI
rightsHolderdcterms:rightsHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcImage0..nIRI
rightsHolderLiteraldcterms:rightsHolderString identifying the rights holder of this DcImage, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
sourcedcterms:sourcereference to another `Image` that this `Image` is a thumbnail of, or reference to a `Work` that this `Image` depicts0..1IRI
srccms:imageSrcAbsolute or relative URL where the image data is stored; if not specified, use the `Image`'s IRI0..1string
titledcterms:titleHuman-readable name of the DcImage0..1stringMy DcImage
widthexif:widthExact height of the image, in pixels0..1integer200


rdf:type: schema:ImageObject

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaImageObject0..nstringAn alternate name
captionschema:captionCaption for this SchemaImageObject0..1IRIImage caption
contentUrlschema:contentUrlAbsolute or relative URL where the image data is stored; if not specified, use the `Image`'s IRI0..1string
contributorschema:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
contributorLiteralschema:contributorString identifying a contributor to this SchemaImageObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
copyrightHolderschema:copyrightHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
copyrightHolderLiteralschema:copyrightHolderString identifying the rights holder of this SchemaImageObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
creatorschema:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
creatorLiteralschema:creatorString identifying a creator of this SchemaImageObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
dateCreatedschema:dateCreatedDate-time the SchemaImageObject was created0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
dateModifiedschema:dateModifiedDate-time the SchemaImageObject was modified0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaImageObject0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
licenseschema:licenseReference to a `License` of this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaImageObject0..nstringMy name
spatialschema:spatialReference to a `Location` this SchemaImageObject is spatially located in/at0..nIRI
thumbnailschema:thumbnailReference to a thumbnail `Image` derived from this SchemaImageObject0..nIRI
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaImageObject, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI
usageInfoschema:usageInfoReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this SchemaImageObject0..1IRI


See stub models.


A License describes copyright licenses.


rdf:type: dcmitype:LicenseDocument

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
titledcterms:titleHuman-readable name of the DcLicenseDocument1stringMy DcLicenseDocument


A Location is an entity with a fixed (latitude/longitude) spatial presence.


rdf:type: schema:Place

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaPlace0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaPlace0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaPlace0..nIRI
latitudeschema:latitudeWGS84 latitude of the SchemaPlace's centroid0..1decimal42.7281
longitudeschema:longitudeWGS84 longitude of the SchemaPlace's centroid0..1decimal-73.68758
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaPlace0..nstringMy name
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaPlace, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


See stub models.


An Organization is a company, institution, or other organization that can act as an agent.


rdf:type: foaf:Organization

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
depictionfoaf:depictionReference to an `Image` depicting this FoafOrganization0..nIRI
homepagefoaf:homepageReference to the homepage of this FoafOrganization0..nstring or IRI
namefoaf:nameHuman-readable name of this FoafOrganization1stringAlan Turing
pagefoaf:pageReference to a webpage, such as a Wikipedia page, whose focus is this FoafOrganization0..nstring or IRI


rdf:type: schema:Organization

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaOrganization0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaOrganization0..1stringLong description text
familyNameschema:familyNameFamily name of this SchemaOrganization0..1stringDoe
givenNameschema:givenNameGiven name of this SchemaOrganization0..1stringJohn
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaOrganization0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaOrganization1stringMy name
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaOrganization, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


An Person is a human such as Alan Turing.


rdf:type: foaf:Person

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
depictionfoaf:depictionReference to an `Image` depicting this FoafPerson0..nIRI
familyNamefoaf:familyFamily name of the person0..1stringTuring
givenNamefoaf:givenNameGiven name of the person0..1stringAlan
homepagefoaf:homepageReference to the homepage of this FoafPerson0..nstring or IRI
namefoaf:nameHuman-readable name of this FoafPerson1stringAlan Turing
pagefoaf:pageReference to a webpage, such as a Wikipedia page, whose focus is this FoafPerson0..nstring or IRI


rdf:type: schema:Person

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaPerson0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaPerson0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaPerson0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaPerson1stringMy name
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaPerson, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


See stub models.


A Property is metadata about properties of Images, Works, and other class instances. Property metadata is primarily used by Paradicms apps to determine how to handle arbitrary/unknown properties. For example, by indicating a property is searchable the work-search app will include the property's values in the fulltext search index. Similarly, a property that is marked filterable will be incorporated into the work-search app's filter system.


rdf:type: rdf:Property

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
commentrdfs:commentDescription of this RdfProperty0..1stringHuman-readable long description of this RdfProperty
depictionfoaf:depictionReference to an `Image` depicting this RdfProperty0..nIRI
filterablecms:propertyFilterableIs the property filterable? e.g., it has a limited set of values or range0..1booleantrue
hiddencms:hiddenIs the property hidden in the user interface?0..1booleantrue
labelrdfs:labelShort human-readable label of this RdfProperty1stringMy RdfProperty
ordercms:propertyOrderOrder of the property within its group0..1integer0
rangerdfs:rangeClass to which the values of the property belong0..1IRI
searchablecms:propertySearchableIs the property fulltext searchable?0..1booleantrue


rdf:type: schema:Property

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaProperty0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaProperty0..1stringLong description text
filterablecms:propertyFilterableIs the property filterable? e.g., it has a limited set of values or range0..1booleantrue
hiddencms:hiddenIs the property hidden in the user interface?0..1booleantrue
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaProperty0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaProperty1stringMy name
ordercms:propertyOrderOrder of the property within its group0..1integer0
rangeIncludesschema:rangeIncludesClass to which the values of the property belong0..1IRI
searchablecms:propertySearchableIs the property fulltext searchable?0..1booleantrue
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaProperty, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


One or more Property's can be grouped into a PropertyGroup. Propertys in the same PropertyGroup are usually displayed together in a user interface.


rdf:type: cms:PropertyGroup

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
commentrdfs:commentDescription of this CmsPropertyGroup0..1stringHuman-readable long description of this CmsPropertyGroup
depictionfoaf:depictionReference to an `Image` depicting this CmsPropertyGroup0..nIRI
hasPartdcterms:hasPartReference a Property that is part of the property group0..nstring
labelrdfs:labelShort human-readable label of this CmsPropertyGroup1stringMy CmsPropertyGroup


A RightsStatement describes interoperable rights statements, usually from


rdf:type: dcterms:RightsStatement

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
titledcterms:titleHuman-readable name of the DcRightsStatement1stringMy DcRightsStatement


A Text is used to associate rights metadata with a text string.


rdf:type: dcmitype:Text

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
contributordcterms:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcText0..nIRI
contributorLiteraldcterms:contributorString identifying a contributor to this DcText, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
creatordcterms:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcText0..nIRI
creatorLiteraldcterms:creatorString identifying a creator of this DcText, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
licensedcterms:licenseReference to a `License` of this DcText0..nIRI
rightsdcterms:rightsReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this DcText0..1IRI
rightsHolderdcterms:rightsHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcText0..nIRI
rightsHolderLiteraldcterms:rightsHolderString identifying the rights holder of this DcText, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
valuerdf:valueText value1string"Text with metadata"


rdf:type: schema:TextObject

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaTextObject0..nstringAn alternate name
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaTextObject0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaTextObject0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaTextObject0..nstringMy name
textschema:textText value1string"Text with metadata"
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaTextObject, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI


A Work is a built or created object such as a manuscript or garment.


rdf:type: dcmitype:PhysicalObject

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
contributordcterms:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcPhysicalObject0..nIRI
contributorLiteraldcterms:contributorString identifying a contributor to this DcPhysicalObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
createddcterms:createdDate-time the DcPhysicalObject was created0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
creatordcterms:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcPhysicalObject0..nIRI
creatorLiteraldcterms:creatorString identifying a creator of this DcPhysicalObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
descriptiondcterms:descriptionHuman-readable summary of the DcPhysicalObject0..1stringA collection}
licensedcterms:licenseReference to a `License` of this DcPhysicalObject0..nIRI
modifieddcterms:modifiedDate-time the DcPhysicalObject was modified0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
relationdcterms:relationReference to a related resource, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI
rightsdcterms:rightsReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this DcPhysicalObject0..1IRI
rightsHolderdcterms:rightsHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this DcPhysicalObject0..nIRI
rightsHolderLiteraldcterms:rightsHolderString identifying the rights holder of this DcPhysicalObject, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
spatialdcterms:spatialReference to a `Location` this DcPhysicalObject is spatially located in/at0..nIRI
titledcterms:titleHuman-readable name of the DcPhysicalObject1stringMy DcPhysicalObject


rdf:type: schema:CreativeWork

TermIRIDescriptionCardinalityValueTypeExample values
alternateNameschema:alternateNameA human-readable alternate name for this SchemaCreativeWork0..nstringAn alternate name
contributorschema:contributorReference to a contributor (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCreativeWork0..nIRI
contributorLiteralschema:contributorString identifying a contributor to this SchemaCreativeWork, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
copyrightHolderschema:copyrightHolderReference to a rights holder (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCreativeWork0..nIRI
copyrightHolderLiteralschema:copyrightHolderString identifying the rights holder of this SchemaCreativeWork, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
creatorschema:creatorReference to a creator (usually an `Organization` or `Person`) of this SchemaCreativeWork0..nIRI
creatorLiteralschema:creatorString identifying a creator of this SchemaCreativeWork, used as a fallback when no IRI is available0..nstring"Wikipedia user Bob"
dateCreatedschema:dateCreatedDate-time the SchemaCreativeWork was created0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
dateModifiedschema:dateModifiedDate-time the SchemaCreativeWork was modified0..1dateTime2023-03-08T18:23:16+00:00
descriptionschema:descriptionA human-readable long description for this SchemaCreativeWork0..1stringLong description text
imageschema:imageReference to an `Image` that depicts this SchemaCreativeWork0..nIRI
licenseschema:licenseReference to a `License` of this SchemaCreativeWork0..nIRI
nameschema:nameA human-readable short name for this SchemaCreativeWork0..nstringMy name
spatialschema:spatialReference to a `Location` this SchemaCreativeWork is spatially located in/at0..nIRI
urlschema:urlURL of a webpage about this SchemaCreativeWork, such as a Wikipedia page0..nIRI
usageInfoschema:usageInfoReference to the `RightsStatement` governing this SchemaCreativeWork0..1IRI


See stub models.

Stub models

Enrichment in Paradicms works by looking for connections between models declared in Paradicms and external IRIs, such as a Paradicms SchemaCreativeWork declaring itself schema:sameAs the Getty collection object

Example sameAs reference to a Getty collection object
<> a schema:CreativeWork ;
schema:sameAs <>

In these situations it's often the case that the Paradicms work ( in the snippet above) does not assert any statements of its own except the sameAs link to the external IRI. In these situations you can elide the schema:CreativeWork entirely by utilizing a stub model.

A stub model only specifies an external IRI like It makes no statements of its own. A stub Work can be declared in a Paradicms-formatted spreadsheet by creating a sheet named StubWork with a single column, @id. The @id column will contain external IRIs, such as Wikidata and Getty IRIs in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of stub models in a spreadsheet

During the enrichment process, the StubWork instance will be replaced by a corresponding Work instance from the external data source, such as a WikibaseItem (for Wikidata @ids) or a LinkedArtWork (for Getty @ids). The StubWork instance will not be included in the RDF consumed by Paradicms apps, since it makes no statements of its own.

See the sections above for the available stub model types.