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Tutorial: Edit file-based collection data

The tutorial will guide you in editing collection data stored in files.

Before you start

Creating a directory

For this tutorial you will need a place to store files. It can be any directory. As you enter data the directory will conform to the expected structure.

You can create directories and edit YAML files directly on GitHub or clone the GitHub repository to your machine and perform these operations locally.

Data entry workflow

The remaining sections of this document follow a subset of the repeatable data entry workflow. We will not attempt to create instances of every class in the data model, but only enough to demonstrate the editing process.

Enter a Person

Create a subdirectory named schema-person if it doesn't exist already, then create a file andrew-bolton.yaml in that directory with the following content:

familyName: Bolton
givenName: Andrew
name: Andrew Bolton

Enter an Image

Create a subdirectory named schema-image-object if it doesn't exist already, then create a file camp-notes-on-fashion.yaml in that directory with the following content:

creatorLiteral: Wikipedia user Rhododendrites

The new Image references the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License, which is implicitly included in the data.

Add image data

Save the JPEG file from Wikimedia Commons to the file camp-notes-on-fashion.jpg in the schema-image-object directory.

Enter an Event

Create a subdirectory named schema-event if it doesn't exist already, then create a file camp-notes-on-fashion.yaml in that directory with the following content:

endDate: "2019-09-09"
name: "Camp: Notes on Fashion"
organizer: "md-schema-person:andrew-bolton"
sameAs: ""
startDate: "2019-05-08"
url: ""

The new Event's organizer property references the generated IRI of the new Person.

Next steps

You now have a directory with data about a Event, Image, and Person. From here you can enter more data, following the logical data models reference, or use the data you've entered to generate a website by following the appropriate tutorial.